The Calm in the Storm

Is it possible to be “too blessed to be stressed”? As a faith believer, I’ve found myself not only saying this but believing for something better when I encounter disappointments. Why, because I know there are promises out there for not just me, but others that are true. I am living proof. This is where I find my calm in the storm.
Trusting and believing. We all believe in something or someone. When I go to start my car, I don’t second guess that it will start up right away and take me where I need to go. I have faith my car is reliable and capable of doing what it was designed to do. I can take my faith to a higher level than just my car. It can be in someone bigger, my creator.
No-one else is ever going to be able to do what you have been born to do and become who you are born to be. We need YOU.
As human beings, you and I were also designed for a unique purpose. We were created with similarities, but no two people are not exactly the same. When we are not operating in our purpose or dealing with life in the right ways- stress creeps in without warning. We know we are not happy, but we don’t know why. There is also that undue stress (life) that comes and can cause anxiety and if we don’t pay attention. It can come from our family, work or just living life. It’s the heaviness of the storm.
“It’s not the load that breaks you down, it is how you carry it.”
-Lou Holtz
Is it time to lighten your load and stress less? Here are some tips:
- Identify what is causing you stress.
- Is it future-focused?
- It is a now issue?
- Is it temporary?
- Tell someone about your concerns or stress.
- In the moment, breathe deeply. Meditate.
- FACT check your thoughts. Is it FEAR, (False Evidence About Reality)?
- Surround yourself with people who support your dreams and ambitions. Positivity.
- Get help if needed, get checked out.
- Exercise.
- Laugh.
- Read.
- Pray
Take a moment and listen to this guided meditation for stress release. An example of how you can find your calm in the storm.
Don’t go through stress alone. Know when it is time to get help from a therapist or expert. Continued stress can lead to other health issues like depression, heart conditions, high blood pressure, confusion and so much more.
If you need to make a change in your life, don’t wait until you have no choice. Every moment matters and what you do today will determine your tomorrow. Let’s commit to stress less.