Permission To Be You!
One of the greatest gifts you can give to yourself and those you love is to know and be who you were created to be. Not because someone else says you are this or that, but because you know who you are without a doubt.
For most of my life starting as a small child, I let others dictate who I was and who I would become. The critics were pretty awful, and I began to believe most of what they said except:
“I had a huge cheerleader and a person of influence that believed in me and saw me quite differently than others. That person was my mom.”
She believed in me and no matter what others said- she seemed to find the beauty in me, and she believed there was so much more behind what others could physically see.
“I had a purpose and she would allow me to discover it with guidance, (coaching), and amazing love.”
Well, you are probably thinking of course a mother is expected and supposed to believe in their child. Let’s not be presumptuous here. It does not happen in many homes. Emotional abandonment happens every day within families and it continues on through generations.
If this is true in your family and friend circle, don’t you think it is time to break the cycle. You deserve more.
“The very people we trust and expect to be on our side are the very people that can hurt us the most.“
According to Exploring Your Mind, “Thanks to decades of attachment studies, we know that healthy affective bonds guarantee the development of a fulfilling life filled with healthy relationships, healthy self-esteem, and the security and trust of others.”
The argument continues to add that on the other hand, insecure attachment sets us on a path towards insecurity, low self-esteem, and lack of trust towards those around us. Many people suffer from abandonment issues that stem not only from parental dysfunction of a parent in the home but can also stem from the death of one or both parents, divorce, and/or the choice of a parent not be around.
So, my point is this, as we grow older, hopefully, we become wiser and experience in life to arrive at a point when we get to decide.
What will you believe and what will you say about yourself?
A healthy picture of who you are must come from within to become all you were created to be. Shut out the noise and take your place for the unique, special person you are today. Take out the lies and unrealistic expectations.
You were created for great purpose. Discovery of the real you and accepting those parts about you that are God-given and make up your very essence is essential to the survival of a life of joy over time.
Stop the lies, embrace what is true, change what you can, and move on to the higher ground. Discover the real you and walk with the courage to be you. In time you will see the perfectly imperfect person that has so much to offer.
That person is the real you!