
I have struggled with W-L-B for as long as I can remember. I can’t say that I have mastered a healthy balance at all times at this point, but I can tell you I will fight for it with vengeance for a healthier life.
If you are out of balance, you are out of control.

Going through life lessons and training I now recognize it, adjust it, and get back to what is best a whole lot faster these days. This is one of the benefits of living a life of purpose, knowing where I want to go and what I am willing to do to get there.
I now enjoy what I do and my faith and family are not only first in my heart, but in all I do.
How my W-L-B problems started. I’m from the old school of work ethic. Not saying it is right or better by any means, but being totally honest that my age has played a significant role in how I’ve handled W-L-B. I was taught and rewarded very well by putting in long hours and being available whenever needed. Say yes to the need at hand and get the job done. A simple motto that seemed to be the best way to get ahead. My reward was more responsibility, trust, kudos, raises, and freedom to lead. Who wouldn’t want these things?
The downside of an unbalanced work-life is I had to adjust the time spent in other areas like family, friends, and wellness. Clearly my choice with no-one or business is to blame. I consciously made the choice to dedicate that time and energy to my profession. For a large majority of the time, I enjoyed it, until it became to difficult to manage. The demands of life and work were not humanly possible to sustain the way they were, something had to give, or so I thought.
The funny thing is I still do all of the things listed above- I work hard. I still say yes. The difference is I’ve implemented much healthier boundaries, goals, and a better balance of time. I let my purpose guide me. Now, time is used differently and more wisely to ensure all parties win and my family does not have to lose. Putting W-L-B in seasons of time has been the greatest achievement adding a bit of fairness in life which can be so unfair to us all. Not all areas of my life can be equal at all times…that’s a myth.

Don’t wait until you are forced to make the change. Work-Life-Balance is real. We all have to deal with it in some shape or fashion. I was forced on many occasions to make a change due to marriage, children, and the unexpected. I didn’t understand the practices and steps that could be taken to manage a career, family, friends, and life. Each person is unique, and it requires a personalized plan to work it all through. I now have my plan! It makes all the difference.
Are you overwhelmed with figuring out your W-L-B? Sometimes it requires more than just you to figure it all out. Here are some steps you can take to improve your direction right where you are today.
Step 1: Identify what is most important to you during this season of life.
Step 2: Evaluate how you are currently spending your time.
Step 3: Identify what boundaries you need to put in place to reach your W-L-B goals.
Step 4: Commit to developing a plan to implement those boundaries.
Step 5: Communicate and take action to enforce your plan.
Health and wellness. That is what we all want at the end of the day. We want it for our families, and we need it for ourselves not only survive, but to thrive in life.
Don’t go through life alone. Find people in your life who you can share your story and lift you up. Be an encourager to one another. Your personal health status carries over into the workplace. Your teammates and leaders will appreciate a colleague who is healthy and there for the good and the bad times with stamina to carry you through. If you are the leader, lead by example first!